Why I decided to become a Vegetarian

It was Monday, May 6 (I was trying to forget it was the anniversary of my grandmother’s death). I luckily had something to put my focus on: going plant-based.

If you knew me in high school, you’d know I tried to go vegetarian junior year. But growing up half-Italian and half-All-American, it was tough. It didn’t quite help that I was going to Europe in a week’s time. Even there, I had given up Vegetarianism. It was impossible — at least at the time.

But why was I considering it then? I was doing a research paper for my theology class on animal testing. As I was scrolling through articles on Google Scholar, the process of torturing these innocent animals for the sake of the public eating their flesh was gut-wrenching and I even started to tear up.

It wasn’t until track and field practice that same day; I brought up the issue with my track-ettes. One of them was actually a vegetarian. I thusly asked her why she decided to go plant-based. She told me that a friend of hers showed her the Chicken Emoji (🐓) and then this: 🍗. The reasoning behind it? I honestly don’t remember it verbatim. But what I can tell you now, as an almost-28-year-old, is that anything with a face? NOT exactly worth eating.

It’s safe to say, that the night of May 6th, 2024 I went to bed thinking about eating a chicken and then gagging.

I’ve been practicing for only a couple of days, however, I’m noticing the benefits but also the negative side effects. But side effects are only temporary.

For example, I notice how good I feel after I simply don’t eat meat! (Or anything processed for that matter.)

Now, you’re probably thinking: what are the side effects? One of them happens to be bloating. The bloating and discomfort on average lasts 4-6 weeks. But you don’t feel the discomfort 24/7.

Allow me to list these alleged side effects:

  • Increased Fiber Intake: A diet rich in plant-based foods typically contains more fiber than a diet that includes meat. This sudden increase in fiber intake can lead to bloating, gas, or changes in bowel habits as your digestive system adjusts.
  • Changes in Energy Levels: Some people report feeling more energetic after adopting a vegetarian diet, while others may experience fatigue initially. This could be due to changes in nutrient intake, particularly if you’re not consuming enough calories or protein.
  • Potential Weight Changes: Depending on your food choices, you may experience weight loss or gain. Many people find that a vegetarian diet helps them maintain a healthy weight, but it’s important to pay attention to portion sizes and choose nutrient-dense foods.
  • Nutrient Deficiencies: If you’re not careful to include a variety of foods in your vegetarian diet, you may be at risk of nutrient deficiencies, particularly in protein, iron, zinc, calcium, vitamin B12, and omega-3 fatty acids. Supplements or fortified foods may be necessary to meet your nutritional needs.
  • Improved Digestion: Some individuals find that a vegetarian diet improves their digestion and reduces symptoms of gastrointestinal issues like acid reflux or irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Changes in Taste Preferences: Over time, your taste preferences may change as you become accustomed to eating more plant-based foods and less meat. You may find yourself enjoying new flavors and textures.
  • Social and Emotional Impact: Transitioning to a vegetarian diet can have social and emotional implications, especially if your friends or family members don’t share your dietary choices. You may need to navigate social situations differently and find new ways to connect over meals.

The most important part about trying out Vegetarianism, is that you must listen to your body and make adjustments where they are needed.

If you are a practicing Vegetarian, comment below what your experience is like!


April 💕

MORE LIKE THIS: Proper Nutrition for Chronic Illness, Fatty Liver Disease and Diabetes: Understanding the Silent Threat, The Crucial Connection: Understanding Gut Health and Type 2 Diabetes

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