To Be is a Human Right: Exploring Shakespeare’s Timeless Wisdom

Hey everyone! Today, I want to dive into a thought-provoking idea inspired by none other than the legendary playwright William Shakespeare. We often hear about human rights in terms of freedom, equality, and justice, but have you ever considered the profound notion that simply “to be” is a fundamental human right?

Shakespeare, in his plays and sonnets, delved deep into the complexities of human existence, including the basic right to exist and to be acknowledged. Let’s unpack this idea.

One of the most iconic lines that comes to mind is from his play “Hamlet.” You might recall the famous soliloquy that begins with “To be, or not to be, that is the question.” Hamlet, grappling with existential questions and the burdens of life, ponders the value of existence itself. This phrase has transcended centuries to become a universal symbol of human introspection and existential inquiry.

In this soliloquy, Shakespeare taps into a fundamental aspect of humanity—the right to exist and the freedom to contemplate one’s own existence. “To be” signifies more than mere existence; it encompasses the right to live authentically, to express oneself, and to pursue happiness in one’s own way.

Shakespeare’s insights resonate strongly with the idea of human rights. The notion that every individual has the right to their own existence, free from oppression or undue influence, underscores the essence of what it means to be human. This right extends beyond physical survival to include the right to think, to feel, and to aspire.

Moreover, Shakespeare’s characters often navigate societal expectations and constraints, emphasizing the struggle for individual agency and self-determination. Think of Juliet defying her family’s wishes for love, or Prospero seeking redemption and freedom in “The Tempest.” These narratives reflect the ongoing quest for human rights and autonomy.

In our modern world, where human rights are enshrined in international law and championed by activists, the concept of “to be” as a human right takes on profound significance. It challenges us to recognize and respect each person’s inherent worth and dignity, regardless of background or circumstance.

As we reflect on Shakespeare’s timeless wisdom, let’s carry forward this notion that “to be” is not just a philosophical abstraction but a living principle that shapes our societies. Let’s strive to create a world where every individual has the space to be themselves, to pursue their dreams, and to contribute meaningfully to the tapestry of human experience.

So, the next time you hear the phrase “to be is a human right,” remember the enduring words of Shakespeare and the profound implications they hold for our understanding of human dignity and freedom. Let’s honor this right in our actions and advocacy, ensuring that all individuals have the opportunity to live fully and authentically.

What are your thoughts on this interpretation of Shakespeare’s work? I’d love to hear your insights and reflections in the comments below. Together, let’s celebrate the power of literature to illuminate our understanding of human rights and the timeless truths of the human experience.

Until next time, keep exploring the world of ideas and embracing the beauty of “to be”!

Fashion Diaries: Every Body is a Swimsuit Body | Beauty From Within is IN

When people see me on social media just living “my best life,” they don’t know that my mind is a constant battlefield of insecurity. Right now, as I’m writing this, I feel better because I don’t feel insecure about putting my insecurities out there, hoping that someone out there will understand. I can tell you right now that I am confident that I will inspire someone out there and give someone a big virtual hug (through words — I’m better at writing than I am talking!). After all, no one is put on this Earth to please and constantly kiss people’s asses. I could give people a million reasons to make fun of me: I’m a 25-year-old virgin, I live at home, and I don’t own my own vehicle (correction: I don’t own a vehicle yet…stay tuned on the ‘gram). I’ve even dealt with my fair share of imposter syndrome.

This past Monday, June 7, I was in my round-about driveway laying in the sun when I chose to take pictures of myself… in a bathing suit. I didn’t care if I was wearing a one-piece from SHEIN, what mattered was my state of mind. Before that, I hadn’t worn a bathing suit in years because I had gained a whopping 50 pounds in college. But just the other day, I realized that in college, gaining weight is 100,000% normal as long as you’re happy. Yes, I’ve been pressured to lose weight. I’m not going to lie and say that family members’ words didn’t bother me. What’s terribly f—ed up about that is society, in it of itself, wants people to “look good” instead of just simply being “happy.” In fact, I can look in the mirror and honestly say, “wow, April, you look sexy!” THAT’S what exudes confidence and gives me serotonin.

Moreover, I took this one photo of myself where the lower half of my stomach was prominent and my thigh was gigantic. I then realized, that’s just an angle. And what’s funnier is that “angle” wasn’t even natural. Wait… am I picking apart myself here? April, snap out of it! You look hot! No, I’m not being conceited. No, I am not being cocky. In fact, it took a matter of five days just to get myself like that picture. (My laptop is not letting me load it.) I felt so inspired that I took another bathing suit picture and joked that I was channeling Pamela Anderson!

Don’t mind me, just channeling Pam (;

You can make fun of me all you want. No one’s opinion defines me. What matters is how you define yourself. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.


(Los Angeles, CA.) – A new skincare brand has stepped upon the beauty scene and is sure to be rolling off of the tongues of beauty fans everywhere!  Who might you ask? Introducing HollyHoux, (pronounced “Holly-Who”), that’s who! 

The debut of this new luxe skincare line is something that every woman will want to have in their beauty cache and on their vanity tables!  Colorfully packaged to appeal to women of all ages and backgrounds (teens and adults from Main Street to Park Ave.), with many items in the collection meeting ‘better beauty’ standards of being Vegan, Non-GMO, Gluten and Cruelty-free. ‘Sustainable Beauty’, offering you clean conscious skincare!   Retailing in as $25, HollyHoux brings to the beauty round table everything from scented masks, cleansers, toners, scintillating mists and their “out of the gate” best seller, the revolutionary “Cool Liquid Cushion”, flawless skin pact makeup setter!

Hydrating, refreshing and cool to the touch, the “Cool Liquid Cushion” is ideal for every skin type and with “one tap”, women will instantly see a reduction in the appearance of pore size and the elimination of that greasy shine on their first application!  Through the use of an innovative “water powder” and the combination of 16 types of herbs, the “Cool Liquid Cushion” does exactly what its name implies; it’s cool to the touch, soothes as it’s applied and provides a soft thin layer of protection giving you the appearance of flawless skin without and that heavy, powdery feel, basically you don’t feel like your face has been caked with product — which is always a good sign!

Founder and owner, Jennie Kim, a seasoned veteran of the fashion industry, says. “The Cool Liquid Cushion concept was born out of my search for a ‘makeup setter’ that would simultaneously conceal and moisturize my skin, living in sun kissed California.”

I live in New England, which is the complete opposite of the west coast. But we like to keep our skin moist, too, especially during the harsh winters.

Formulated with key ingredients extracts such as Borago Officinalis, Anthemis Nobilis flower, Rosehip oil, Menthol, Peppermint and Chamomilla Recutita extract, it took over a year of research and testing before she found the exact outcome she’d been looking for!

HollyHoux also has product sets that every beauty savvy customers will want to get their hands on just in time for the holidays with their cute assorted (and refillable) “Refresher Mist” set!

BLOG-MAS TUESDAY: April’s Guide to Surviving Finals Week

Taking a break from writing a paper, and currently wrapped up in the stress of finals week. Finals week can be tough, especially when there’s a lot to do. I only have two written finals, but this paper for African Literature has my eyes red and puffy and my stomach in knots. I feel like that acne commercial with Emma Roberts: “I stress out then I break out… then I stress out even more!” Unintentionally said finals week can make your skin break out like no other. 🎶So, you better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout I’m telling you why: FINALS WEEK IS GOING TO BE OKAY!🎶

  1.  Let it all out when you need to do so. By that, I mean cry. Crying is healthy. It doesn’t help when it’s all bottled up.
  2. Don’t leave things to the last minute.
  3. Drink WATER 💦 no one can live on just coffee.
  4. With that being said, eat your nutrients. I’m not talking about fatty foods but get some stirfry, eggs, or sushi. Don’t skip a meal — it’s not good for you!
  5. Book a meeting with your therapist or counselor, if you have one.
  6. If you have a job on campus, I’m sure your supervisor won’t mind if you take an hour off to do final projects.
  7. Take your medications and/or vitamins.
  8. Go to your school’s tutoring center if you have last-minute finals questions.
  9. Take Reading Days to your full advantage and STUDY.
  10. Take care of your skin. I use KORRES Wild Rose Vitamin C Brightening Sleeping Facial.
  11. Clear a little space in your dorm/room/apartment (no matter where you live while going to school). Studies have shown that having a cluttered room increases anxiety.
  12. Reward yourself with a glass of white/red wine after finals, a day with your sweetheart, or a much-needed nap. You deserve it all!

If you’re stressing about grades, just know that they really are just grades, but you WILL pass finals, I garauntee you.

Here’s some inspirational quotes that’ll hopefully lift your spirits:

Good luck!


April 💕


THE FASHION DIARIES: Breakfast At Tiffany’s and Oodles of VINTAGE

It’s been a hot minute (more like almost a YEAR) since I posted a Fashion Diary entry, which is ironic because I’ve written my own personal journal entries practically every day this summer.

Despite PSL’s being back at Starbucks, along with the Maple Pecan Lattes and the newly-raved-about Pumpkin Cold Brew, summer is not quite over yet. Wait until Monday, September 23, guys! My summer fashion choices have been relatively laid-back, with the occasional dress or two, or three. 😜 It wasn’t until recently when my grandmother sent my mom and I packages of clothing that didn’t fit her anymore. For those of you who know me well, I love vintage fashion. So, needless to say, I was fascinated by my grandmother’s impeccable taste.

The first thing that caught my eye was a black and white polka-dotted dress

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***Please excuse the dirty mirror and, of course, the mirror selfie***

Then there’s the makeup look then went with it:

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Not only do I adore fashion, but I am a HUGE makeup junkie. This is actually the same lipstick that Audrey Hepburn wore in “Breakfast at Tiffany’s.” It’s Revlon’s “Pink in the Afternoon.” The blush, bronzer, and highlighter are from IT Cosmetics and the eyeshadow is from Bare Minerals!

The next thing that caught my eye was a long skirt:


It’s hard to tell what the pattern is, but rosewood is one of my favorite colors (number 5 to purple, blue, pink, and red). You can’t even tell I’m wearing a skirt and top because it all flows so well! The top is from H&M and the shoes are from ZARA.

Then there’s the makeup look that went with it:

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With natural waves (my hair is actually straight, but if I sleep on it when it’s wet, it gets wavy), and the right lipstick, I rocked this look with confidence. The lipstick is Colourpop x Disney’s Tiana. Shout out to my best friend (hi Katelyn!) for surprising me with it!



THE FASHION DIARIES: Corduroy Jumpers are the New Blazers | Winter Fashion 101

It’s been a long time since I’ve done one of these fashion diary entries — since September 2018! I’m currently sitting in my favorite coffee shop in my cute little town doing work for thesis. Having a lavender tea never made me feel more relaxed and focussed than I am right now!

Spring Semester isn’t coming for another two weeks (at least for me.) As I said in my last post, this is the year of the color, purple and its many shades (shall I call this post Fifty Shades of Purple? Nah.) The colors purple, black, winter white, and even tan are paving their way into my wardrobe this winter season. New year, new clothes, am I right?

I took it upon myself to purchase a rosewood corduroy jumpsuit from SHEIN, along with a newspaper print top. I mainly bought the top to get myself motivated for my thesis topic LOL. Could it also foreshadow my future career? Who knows?

Anyway, here’s my jumper and top paired with black nylons and black Chinese Laundry high-knee wedged boots:


While I’m at it, I’ll also attach a picture of my makeup:


[Shameless self-promo] On the subject of bold lips and eyeshadow, have you checked out my magazine, Bold Lips and Coffee Talk, yet? We’re looking for blog writers and poetry submissions!

So this was short-and-sweet and to-the-point, just like my jumper!

BEAUTY REVIEW: Make the Cut by Essie

Hello, (A)pril-listers and WELCOME to my new domain (!) I’m proud to say that after almost two whole years, my blog is finally its own site! To celebrate, I’m also adding a beauty section to this lifestyle/fashion blog! So, I am promoting a recent purchase of mine: Essie Nail Polish!

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I have so many nail polishes, but I never really paid particular attention to the brand. I recently purchased Essie: Gel Couture Make the Cut. And to my surprise, it has been staying on! No chips or anything! WOO! That’s always my main concern when putting on nail polish: will it chip? But it’s been three days, and so far, no chips! To find more shades, click here.

This shade, in particular, is a “pearlized nude greige” and is a very neutral color that goes with anything you wear! Did I mention it also dries fast?

Essie is an iconic brand founded by Essie Weingarten in 1981. Ask any celebrity or beauty professional (if you know one) and they’ll tell you that they stick true to this brand.

Let me know if you’d like to see any of the other beauty products I use on a daily basis, that way my beauty page can really grow and I can share it with all of you!